The first requirement is that both beings need to be plunged individually into a deep and passionate devotion of the Beloved, by whatever name they know the Beloved, because without both beings centering their life in God, the relationship will never be able to escape the private circle.
The second requirement for an evolutionary love is that both beings must develop a mastery of solitude.
The third requirement is that in a true evolutionary relationship there is an equality of power, and that equality is born out of a profound experience of the sacredness and dignity of the other person’s soul.
The fourth requirement follows on from the third: if you are going to have a beloved-beloved relationship, you have to center your whole being and work and evolution in God.
The fifth requirement is that both lovers completely abandon any Hollywood sentimentality about what relationships actually are.
The sixth requirement is that if you are going to enter into the evolutionary process, you have to accept that it never ends, never stops unfolding.
The seventh principle requirement is that from the very beginning of this adventure into evolutionary love you must make the commitment for it not to be just a personal orgy, a cultivation of an oasis of private pleasure.